There’s too much at stake for old fashioned negotiators
- Seeing unprincipled negotiation is frustrating
- It’s concerning the potential for missed deals
- Your business can’t afford lose:lose spirals
- You want a programme with immediate application
- Leaving to chance results from negotiation training must be a worry
- You deserve a trusted training partner to deliver for you

Meet your guides The Robertson Training team
The team have all been senior managers and business owners. They understand the reality of business negotiations and as qualified coaches how to help clients across all sectors. The team has over 70,000 engaged participants of their practical programmes that work. They’ll help you use the latest communication research to boost your people’s negotiation success. They’ve partnered businesses large and small throughout Europe including companies like Charles River Laboratories, Wm Grant & Sons and the European Central Bank. Now they stand ready to help you.
What our clients says...
“Highly interactive and engaging. It brought theoretical models to life in a practical way that I will apply in the future.”
Storm ID
“Both educational and thought provoking. I fully expect I’ll use the learning in a productive way that will benefit both myself and the company.”
Wm Grant & Sons
Are your people getting enough yesses?
Without principled negotiation your living a lose:lose business life. That risks the sustainability of your business and brand.
Sadly, research shows us that too many negotiators still don’t plan enough and talk more than they listen. That misses opportunities to get more and better wins while at least maintaining relationships.
Without education, skills development and so changed behaviours, you’ll stay negotiating with outdated approaches. The results are as predictable as cavalry charging machine guns.
The Robertson Training team use their decades of success to help individuals, teams and organisations improve negotiation mindsets and capabilities so that improved results follow.
With straight forward easy to use tools and approaches your people can look forward to greater success every day.
The ingredients of our negotiation programmes are:
- Seeing and feeling great negotiation in action
- Straight forward planning outlines
- Building a personalised library of questions to use immediately
- Lots of skills practice
- Simple discussion tools to help get passed ‘No’
- Easy to use tools to review negotiation success
Bring the kind of modern behaviours to your business that make measurable results a no brainer.
While many still see negotiation like a fencing contest, great negotiators never have to fight. Get the results you deserve with principled negotiation development.

A Practical and entertaining programme for adults underpinned by scientific rigour

1. Participant experiences
Warm up
- Arouse your people’s curiosity, begin the learning, focus them on intended success
Facilitated sessions
- Engaging activities that energise and secure commitment to apply learning straight away
2. Everyone’s supported
Momentum for results at work through support to all: participants, line managers and sponsors.
3. Results reporting
Easy-to-read results reports
Delighted stakeholders
Get the returns you seek
with a Robertson Training Programme

Risk free
Reassure your colleagues with our unique 200% money back guarantee!

Everyone’s supported
Participants and line managers get the support and resources they need for workplace action

Impress your stakeholders
Be the hero in your boardroom armed with straight forward easy-to-read results reports from us